21.   Consumer and watchdog groups have repeatedly accused the court of being influenced by generous political donations from corporate defendants and their lawyers.

22.   Cuban officials have repeatedly accused the foundation and its late former chairman, Jorge Mas Canosa, of orchestrating the attacks, a charge it vigorously denies.

23.   Disney-owned Talk magazine, for example, has been repeatedly accused of favoring Miramax stars and properties within its supposedly independent pages.

24.   During his primary campaign, Dole repeatedly accused the president of risking U.S. global interests by surrendering U.S. autonomy to the United Nations and kowtowing to Boutros-Ghali.

25.   During the interview this week, Hill did little to hide his anger, repeatedly accusing the mayor of lacking good faith and breaking various laws and agreements.

26.   During the war, the warring parties in the Balkans repeatedly accused each other of using chemical weapons, including nerve gas and blistering agents.

27.   Flaherty had repeatedly accused Wightman of violating federal law by accepting utility industry money to set up forums against deregulation of the electric industry.

28.   Farrakhan, a Muslim, has preached racial separation and has been repeatedly accused of being a black racist and anti-semite.

29.   For their part, Republicans repeatedly accused the Democrats of fiscal demagogy.

30.   Giuliani has repeatedly accused the Chancellor of crying wolf over what budget reductions would mean to the school system.

d. + accuse >>共 272
also 44.22%
repeatedly 7.08%
often 5.13%
long 4.09%
falsely 2.16%
publicly 1.77%
frequently 1.70%
widely 1.69%
in_turn 1.69%
never 1.47%
repeatedly + v. >>共 745
say 11.17%
deny 6.02%
call 3.32%
accuse 3.20%
warn 2.56%
ask 2.38%
reject 1.70%
refuse 1.70%
try 1.69%
threaten 1.42%
每页显示:    共 492