91.   Her father had not been well lately, Ms. Abiola said, adding that she had repeatedly asked Nigerian authorities to let a doctor see him.

92.   Holscher repeatedly asked Messemer if the government had any evidence that the missing data had ever left Los Alamos, or had fallen into unfriendly hands.

93.   Human rights groups had repeatedly asked London to protect Nelson, but nothing was done.

94.   I asked her repeatedly before we left.

95.   I have been asked repeatedly in the last two months about my knees and whether the arthritis remedy I mentioned in a column on alternative medicine was actually working.

96.   Ibrahim Omari, security adviser to the governor, said he has repeatedly asked Karzai and the Americans for permission to attack Khan.

97.   If he were not asked about it repeatedly, he said, he would ignore it.

98.   In a particularly confrontational part of his cross-examination, Scheck repeatedly asked Yamauchi if he had discussed the case with police investigators before conducting the tests.

99.   In a conference call early in the day with analysts and investors, Amdahl chief executive John Lewis was asked repeatedly why the deal took place.

100.   In an interview with TheStreet.com, a financial Web site, Chamillard repeatedly was asked if he sees evidence that a recovery is underway in his industry.

d. + ask >>共 363
also 21.96%
just 8.98%
never 3.70%
then 3.50%
repeatedly 2.71%
when 2.69%
why 2.41%
even 2.17%
rhetorically 1.84%
again 1.83%
repeatedly + v. >>共 745
say 11.17%
deny 6.02%
call 3.32%
accuse 3.20%
warn 2.56%
ask 2.38%
reject 1.70%
refuse 1.70%
try 1.69%
threaten 1.42%
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