71.  A natural harbour, set between two rocky headlands, forms a centre point from which narrow streets wind uphill.

72.  A neighbor calls the police after hearing the commotion of two individuals prying open a window.

73.  A new woman with two children had been brought in by Jacky in the night.

74.  A pearl necklace had broken and two liveried servants scrabbled on hands and knees to retrieve the jewels.

75.  A penny bought three jaw breakers or two sticks of licorice.

76.  A pipe-freezing kit makes two plugs of ice either side of the joint so that you can cut through the pipes.

77.  A point of disagreement between the two parties concerns the future of nuclear power.

78.  A police car slowed down, the two young officers looked carefully.

79.  A pro teaches two sessions a day.

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