41.  A fully comprehensive stock including two bitters, three lagers, Guinness and cider on draught.

42.  A gathering of family and friends lamented the deaths of the two pilots.

43.  A girl had murdered two small children whom she was babysitting for, and had then drowned herself.

44.  A girl screamed, and a masked man ran through the bar, pursued by two cops in turn-of-the-century uniforms.

45.  A gold locket in which two small photographs lay face to face.

46.  A great number of small prizes rather than just one or two big prizes gives more winners and more satisfaction.

47.  A group of people were gathered at a mill two blocks away.

48.  A huge goat-hair sack would then be thrown over the saddle, forming two deep pockets either side.

49.  A huge hoarding shows two contrasting images.

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