51.  A J Trevett and colleagues reported on two patients who developed acute respiratory obstruction from swallowing live fish.

52.  A jeep carrying two soldiers holding guns followed us for several miles, then turned back.

53.  A kitchen worker appeared, dumped two black garbage sacks, then disappeared.

54.  A latecomer listening only to the closing speeches might have been forgiven for thinking the two learned gentlemen were summarising different cases.

55.  A little fish pond, just over two feet square, and not terribly deep.

56.  A little house with two bedrooms and no form of central heating.

57.  A little ink bottle and two pens were fastened to its floor by gold brackets.

58.  A love of nature links the two poets.

59.  A major improvement was the use of a rechargeable battery inside the transmitter, which was recharged via two protruding wires.

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