1.  A brief summary of the rights of each class of shares should be given.

2.  A company sets up a trust fund into which it contributes new shares of stock or money to buy existing shares.

3.  A fall in the value of shares damages investor confidence.

4.  A few miles away, in the small house that Sally, Roy and Cicely share, Sally is not so sure.

5.  A further hidden cost hinges on the share price the broker is able to offer customers.

6.  A heavy stream of important trading statements made little lasting impression on the shares involved.

7.  A lot of the employees own shares in the company.

8.  A lower price enables them to buy shares for less than the price at which they have agreed to sell the shares.

9.  A more serious consideration to my mind is the continued quotation of Ingard shares on the Stock Exchange.

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