31.  And how would her husband regard this deepening commitment to a faith he did not fully share?

32.  And the situation was further complicated when Stewart requested that Bell buy out his share in Stax with cash.

33.  And there are provisions of a restitutionary character designed to restore the respective parties to the share transactions to their former positions.

34.  Another study shows that the combined Market shares of the top three brands among many supermarket goods have dropped too.

35.  Anybody with shares in the company is urged to contact the receivers to register a claim.

36.  As a result each share represents a smaller portion of the company, and the share price falls.

37.  As companies view for ever-larger Market shares, competition seeps down to the lowliest rung on the ladder.

38.  As share prices continued their heady rise, traditional methods of stock Market valuations were abandoned.

39.  As they controlled an absolute majority of shares, the club was effectively closed.

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