51.  Banking shares are also a key sector of the Market, and any rally among them would push up the Nikkei significantly.

52.  Banks are generating record profits and using excess cash to buy out competitors and repurchase their own shares.

53.  Banks have managed to attain this share by offering attractive packages.

54.  Barred from selling shares to outsiders, some of the younger generation of Moores are keen to realise their enormous paper wealth.

55.  Basically, the public has grown weary of a party that has seen its share of political sleaze scandals.

56.  Because management usually controls a large number of shares, such resolutions almost never win a majority vote.

57.  Before the stock-Market crash, shares in Control Securities were in huge demand.

58.  Beyond those, they cite the high costs of customer disaffection, which drives down both profit Margins and Market share.

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