81.  Advice will be given as a chargeable service.

82.  Advisory services are more expensive than execution-only broking.

83.  Affiliation to the National Confederation will provide your group with access to a network of services and expertise.

84.  After a damning internal report this month on conditions at Brixton prison both admitted that the service was institutionally racist.

85.  After a simple breakfast, Father Peter conducted a service in the Chapel of Penitence.

86.  After a weekend of brooding silence and no service, Nigel began to think it had all been worth it.

87.  After appointments in community service, she had joined the Navy.

88.  After being ground down by a rude customer and an unsympathetic boss, they might give shoddy service to good customers.

89.  After being placed the students travel in pairs to their service sites and must provide their own introductions to their supervisors.

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