31.  A lower proportion of their clients receive one of the three main services for which they were referred.

32.  A manual of advice on how best to forecast the demand for new rail services of various types will then be prepared.

33.  A Market is a group of existing and potential buyers or users of a product or service.

34.  A memorial service will be held today at Hensall parish church, two miles from Great Heck.

35.  A misleading assumption is that only lesser will be drawn into community service.

36.  A new direct service will cut two hours off the flying time between London and Seoul.

37.  A new health care purchasing authority will contract for primary services with individual practices or primary care provider units.

38.  A new information service will soon be available to library users.

39.  A new service could set up by gaining enough contracts with major customers of the old service to take over.

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