71.  About a dozen services were transferred to the directly elected London boroughs.

72.  About the only people who can move rapidly over such terrain are the tough and wiry park service hunters.

73.  About three days later the command, service and lunar module combination arrived at the Moon.

74.  Acceptable use policies of non-ISPs are published and are usually easily available in the network information service centers of the target network.

75.  According to Cox, nearly one job is lost among subcontractors and small service businesses for every manufacturing job that goes away.

76.  According to this, Mr Collingridge has never paid for the literature service, this month or any month.

77.  Additional physiotherapy, occupational and speech therapy services.

78.  Administrators must constantly interpret and apply public policies that provide public goods and services to individuals and groups.

79.  Advancement is easier in large firms that employ several levels of administrative services managers.

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