81.  But soon the season would start again and the rich harvest of the oysters would be ready for dredging.

82.  But there would be no more, and every season needed a new attraction.

83.  But they have toiled all season under the pressure of intense public scrutiny and the weight of great expectations.

84.  But this was an excellent match to finish the season.

85.  But Victorians, who are the yo-yo team of senior hockey, again plunge back to Section Two hockey next season.

86.  But we were full of enthusiasm, essential to survive that first rainy season in the forest.

87.  Butter cavities of squash and season with honey, nutmeg, salt, and pepper.

88.  Buy fresh foods when they are in plentiful supply, that is, in season.

89.  By the hunting season in the following year, not a single survivor of the last group could be found.

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