71.  But for the time being, at least, stick an asterisk next to this season.

72.  But his baseball career has been resurrected in a big way this season.

73.  But it has been an unusually hard winter season, too.

74.  But just as he did throughout the season, Cornhuskers quarterback Tommie Frazier emerged as the dominant player.

75.  But now it is the rainy season there is little demand for his services.

76.  But one of two new rulings deemed experimental for one season, is dividing the rugby world.

77.  But really, now, the season is all about the usual stuff.

78.  But she also suffered a second stress fracture to her tibia last season.

79.  But she suffered a setback when a bout of glandular fever looked like bringing her season to an abrupt halt.

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