61.  Because they were five thousand feet above sea level the climate was Marvellous, apart from the wet season.

62.  Before this season, the Vikings had gained a reputation of collapsing against inferior opponents.

63.  Best claims to be willing to take groups out all year round, although the summer season is obviously more popular.

64.  Billy Bremner During his first ten seasons as a professional, Bremner lost almost half a season through misconduct.

65.  Bracknell reserve team manager Martin Benford has taken over first-team duties until the end of the season.

66.  Brewer hopes to finish the season with Otago, but is uncertain about his playing future in Canterbury.

67.  Brewster finished the season with a bang.

68.  Brown refused to talk about it as the season dragged along into a painful exercise for both him and his team.

69.  But for a sudden, necessary purchase, it is worth scouring the charity shops at any season.

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