81.  After much beeping some one heard them and came out - they were still stuck.

82.  After putting the dishes together, the editor has a full-course meal-a tasty one, if possible.

83.  After serious trouble at Sham gigs, for example the one at the London School of Economics, they also deserted their followers.

84.  After some one placed it on the Internet it was quickly disseminated around the world.

85.  After turning the Disc you have a tighter fit, but not necessarily a better one.

86.  Afterwards he told me that one or two of the younger players in the orchestra had never played the overture before.

87.  Afterwards in the pub some one told me he would probably be sent down.

88.  Again, relative to most other international environmental science processes, this one is pretty secure.

89.  Alain Gebrec was standing at the entrance to one of the outhouses, hectoring some one inside.

90.  Alejandro was allergic to greys, particularly the whiter ones.

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