11.  A comparative approach will identify Marketing factors which distinguish successful companies from less successful ones.

12.  A consultant had urged the executives to view Texaco as a jar of different-colored jelly beans, each one unique and valuable.

13.  A cordless one offers a solution.

14.  A crazy man, some one she had never seen before, took a shot at her from a rooftop.

15.  A dark colour applied thickly over lighter and brighter ones can be very exciting and dramatic.

16.  A darkly florid officer with black moustache walked briskly through the debris, gazing round as though looking for some one.

17.  A dazed Fourth Aunt lay in bed, vaguely aware that some one was tugging on her arm.

18.  A dense pile wears better than a loosely-woven one, which can be parted to reveal the backing.

19.  A Fellowship Porter was one licensed to carry coal, corn, fish, fruit, or salt.

20.  A few minutes later in the nearby bazaar, some one taps the visitor on the shoulder, offering tea and conversation.

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