21.  A few motorcycle shops occasionally sell used ones.

22.  A few of the wealthier ones died of old age or cancer or heart attacks, but not many.

23.  A few who do not dare to read aloud will ask the ones who do to read their stories too.

24.  A fight ensued which left one man dead, one crippled for life and several with lasting scars.

25.  A fire leaped in the hearth under a Marble mantelpiece identical to the one in her own flat.

26.  A game show appeared to be in progress, and lights were flashing, indicating that some one had won.

27.  A good investment, it seems, but a tough one for accountants to grapple with.

28.  A good production person must keep up with every development and ideally acquaint the art directors with every one as well.

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