21.  Already, she wore on her arms all the jewellery she could ever have dreamed of.

22.  Although Great Groups experience their moments of near despair, they are more often raucous with laughter.

23.  Although over the moon with it generally, I am disappointed with the lack of power in the naturally aspirated diesel engine.

24.  Although supermarkets are flashy and space-age, a future generation will eventually tire of traipsing round the endless aisles.

25.  Although there are many species of tropical waterlilies the hybrid types are usually more sought-after due to the outstanding blooms they produce.

26.  An evocation of and commentary on a great continent and its musics.

27.  An hour later the Secretary of Defense was on the line asking me what on earth I was thinking of.

28.  An old battle-axe of a nun wrapped them both in heavy blankets, forcing cups of mulled wine down their throats.

29.  Ancient Athens is generally thought of as the cradle of democracy.

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