81.  A more generous format would have allowed her more scope.

82.  A more realistic alternative is to deduce which characteristics of organizations have the most impact on accounting.

83.  A much smaller increase in premium where you loose your no claims bonus following an accident than with most other insurers.

84.  A new furnace could give you increased efficiency and more heat output.

85.  A new plan provides for loans to students, but to make the system workable more government funding will be needed.

86.  A new response is growing from women theologians and from radicals seeking liberation for many oppressed people.

87.  A New World makes many virtues out of small things.

88.  A pacifist, a socialist, and many other wonderful, otherworldly things.

89.  A particularly friendly, informal atmosphere prevails here and has kept this small hotel popular with Citalia guests over many years.

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