41.  A full scale sample, to be representative, May mean carrying out many interviews over a geographically dispersed area.

42.  A fully equipped tipi had almost as many ropes, lines, pegs, and parts as an old-time sailing vessel.

43.  A given rocket booster could actually land more mass on these bodies than it could land on the Moon!

44.  A global fall in the price of rice spread hardship and even starvation to many parts of Indochina.

45.  A good many people were upset about the new tax.

46.  A good many scientists were opposed to the use of the bomb.

47.  A government guarantee of risky loans to new ventures makes more sense.

48.  A government has more stakeholders than a business, and most of them vote.

49.  A great many people are involved in putting out a newspaper.

50.  A great many people love their elderly Parent or aunt sufficiently to want to look after them.

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