71.  A major concern, he said, is that many sky divers use canopies that are too small to support their weight.

72.  A major food source of squirrels and many finches is totally absent this year.

73.  A male that has a string of prime sites and well-made nests attracts the most females.

74.  A man alone always attracts more attention than a couple together.

75.  A Marine regiment was equipped with plasma cannon, and the Marine battle armour was proof against most weapons.

76.  A master disk can be read into memory and once there can be written out to blank disks many times.

77.  A merger would have several benefits, Amerman insisted, including stronger international Marketing, more efficient manufacturing and increased shareholder value.

78.  A more continuing change has been the wearing of smarter suits by most males and of brighter colours by many ladies.

79.  A more feasible plan is to take more immigrants.

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