81.  Also, I wanted to address the issue in a celebratory way, to take the fear out of the issue.

82.  Also, of course, a trust is at liberty to raise new capital by an issue of additional ordinary or debenture shares.

83.  Although activists take on global economic and political issues, their affiliations, allegiances and loyalties are bound up in local communities.

84.  Although bank loans are a vitally important source of finance, this is not to the complete exclusion of equity issues.

85.  Although progress has been made, poverty amidst overall plenty in our economy persists as a major economic and political issue.

86.  Although she was annoyed that Ian had given her secret away, she Decided not to make an issue of it.

87.  Although these communications are not legally binding, they do give member states strong guidance on legal and taxation issues.

88.  Although these questions are of vital importance, little systematic information on these issues is available.

89.  Although they are discussed here as separate issues, tourism, recreation and sport are not mutually exclusive.

90.  Among the issues considered were homelessness, unemployment, children and young people in poverty and the benefits systems.

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