91.  An annual black communications conference was instituted to debate issues and encourage black recruitment by the networks and major publications.

92.  An Appendix to the Circular discusses a number of related issues, and relevant legislation.

93.  An important issue associated with urban renewal concerned the locus of program control.

94.  An Institute working party is currently re-examining the issue with a view to moving the arguments further forward.

95.  And abortion is a very volatile, emotional issue.

96.  And at times it criticizes class-based politics, for its omission and Marginalization of gender issues.

97.  And being able to discuss sensitive issues with strangers while retaining a comfortable degree of anonymity often makes for startlingly intimate communication.

98.  And building it leads directly to the issue of management systems.

99.  And by the fourth issue of Oz the plaudits were beginning to outnumber the brickbats.

100.  And he felt even more strongly about the union issue.

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