61.  According to Mattel, antitrust issues were a red herring.

62.  According to our panel all three parties, including Labour, seemed to drift away from the issue as the campaign progressed.

63.  Accordingly attention is now turned towards environmental issues in the countryside, beginning with recreation.

64.  Actually, the public is not very interested in the issue right now in any case.

65.  Additionally, he accepted the need to tackle racial disadvantage and other social issues.

66.  Adoption is the one issue that pro-choice and pro-life people can agree on.

67.  After the draft, the Cardinals will have big issues to address.

68.  Again, one prime reason for developing cloning technology is to address these issues.

69.  Age Concern believes that the Department of Health should develop a policy and issue national guidelines on the provision of such care.

70.  Age-sensitive political issues such as Social Security and Medicare will play a major role in the campaign, of course.

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