81.  Federal prosecutors typically identify a person as a target only when an indictment may be imminent.

82.  For another, he said, a law could definitively identify piers as part of the park, meaning they would be forever protected.

83.  Five witnesses identified Garrett as the man who hit Schell at the rally -- including Assistant Police Chief Nicholas Metz, two other police officers and two city workers.

84.  Forbes identified that group as the Republican Leadership Council, an independent liberal Republican group.

85.  From the Kikwit hospital, blood samples went via Belgium to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, which identified the virus as Ebola.

86.  For the first time, the State Department identified Pakistan as part of the growing South Asian terrorism center.

87.  Forbes, who long ago identified Arizona as a state where he could do well, ran ads bashing Dole and urging voters to request mail-in ballots.

88.  Gilliam placed the two at the scene, Kerik said, and then both identified Thomas as the gunman.

89.  Ground-hugging body cladding, dual exhausts and chrome side-grille accents identify the M as an M, though the effect is pretty subtle.

90.  Hamas members in Gaza identified the bomber as Ismail Maoussabie.

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