91.  He confirmed that Cablevision chairman Alan Gerry had identified Time Warner as one company with which Cablevision had held serious discussions about such an alliance.

92.  Hamas identified the bomber as a teacher from a West Bank village and promised a new wave of attacks.

93.  He has also properly identified Japan as the key to reversing the slide.

94.  He identified the anxieties as the fear of random violence, the disintegration of the family and sundry sexual terrors.

95.  He identified the executive as Steve Kean, who at the time was chief of regulatory affairs.

96.  He identified the men as Americans.

97.  He identified the suspect as Daniel G. Hanlon of Winchester.

98.  He later identified the man as escapee Hector Rivas.

99.  He points out that he never identifies his characters as Africans.

100.  He identified a door as a dress, a chicken as a drum, a hat as a flag, according to the test.

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