21.  Billings identified the organization as the Group for the Reappraisal of the AIDS Hypothesis.

22.  Body shop employees have identified McVeigh as the person who rented the truck.

23.  Bloomberg Business News identified the man as Saburo Shimizu, who runs a small commodities trading company in Tokyo.

24.  - Sixty-eight percent did not identify decreased urination as a sign of possible dehydration.

25.  A fourth victim, Gregory Garner, survived a gunshot wound to the head but failed to identify Soffar as a participant in the robbery.

26.  A group of on-edge Marines from one company on watch mistakenly identified a camel as the enemy and fired a few shots late one evening.

27.  A bartender identified Hall as the man last seen with Denofrio.

28.  A Malta shopkeeper identifying Megrahi as the man who bought the baby jumper.

29.  A government probe was considered until Kuhns was contacted and identified the culprit as artillery fungus.

30.  A photograph of the Canadians leading three prisoners from a U.S. military plane appeared in Canadian papers, but the caption identified the troops as Americans.

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