1.  When I met a person in the first time, I usually unconsciously prejudge him in accordance with my common knowledge.

2.  The first time I met Rachel, she was looking around at the school gate.

3.  I had recognized her from far away because of her very eye-catching bright yellow vest and red-hot pants.

4.  However, when I came closer, I found this American girl was very slim!

5.  Oh, hopefully she was as enthusiastic as I used to think.

6.  I really didn't think we could make very good friends because excessive enthusiasm would always overwhelm me.

7.  "No privates. ", I told myself to avoid all possibly sensitive topics, so I talked about the weather.

8.  I reached out to help her drive them away, but right after that I regretted.

9.  I patted her arm and back!

10.  I'm done.

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