81.  Alcohol abuse has reached epidemic proportions in this country.

82.  All across the country I found promoters who were not willing to meet their contractual obligations.

83.  All countries in the region should commit themselves to doing away with weapons of mass destruction.

84.  All four men were convicted of illegally bringing drugs into the country.

85.  All of the companies had asked for the export credit guarantee agencies of their countries to fund their part of the work.

86.  All of this has to happen before a drug can be licensed for use in this country.

87.  All other countries, whatever their political regimes, try to copy and equal it.

88.  All over the country people will now be cutting up their credit cards.

89.  All the bureaucratic disclosures and red tape in the country can not offset either.

90.  All the family stories Jane Gilbert tells bear the imprint of that part of the country.

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