31.  A number of differences can be discerned in the data for the three countries.

32.  A number of examples of positive action in different countries are noted.

33.  A preference for country living is clear, and in some remoter rural districts there was even a significant growth in population.

34.  A prime indicator of future trends in many countries that attempt to manage the rates is the black Market rate.

35.  A relatively small number of industrially advanced countries control the world economy.

36.  A second section then analyses the corresponding drift towards a more repressive style of policing in this country.

37.  A series of public demonstrations have been held in cities across the country.

38.  A severe drought brought the country to its knees.

39.  A similar constraint is visible in the monetary growth rates of all the advanced industrial countries.

40.  A small, mountainous country with a population of under three million people, it has long been free from colonial domination.

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