71.  After that date it became a frequent and almost constant attribute of the genre in all countries.

72.  After the invasion, the country lapsed into chaos.

73.  After the war, the country began to enjoy greater prosperity.

74.  Afterwards there was gloomy talk that short tours by Home Unions might not have much appeal for either country in the future.

75.  Again we have seen only too clearly in some other countries what can happen if you personify and almost deify the State.

76.  Agassi once again came to the rescue of his country in the quarter final of the Davis Cup.

77.  Aid can have a knock-on effect in neighbouring countries which are also in great need.

78.  Aid to these countries is bound to run into billions of dollars in the long term.

79.  AIDS has become an epidemic in some countries.

80.  Alarcon said the man had illegally entered the country sometime prior to the aircraft coming under attack.

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