1.  I said, utterly staggered by his answer.

2.  - which either went by a different name or was not recognised at that time.

3.  A baby communicates its needs by crying.

4.  A ballot will be held and all new applicants will be notified of the result by mid May.

5.  A basic task in political analysis is to determine whether there are some criteria by which political systems can be classified.

6.  A beautiful lake is inhabited by many species of waterfowl and the delightful formal gardens include herb and sculpture gardens.

7.  A behaviour pattern controlled by hundreds of genes does not give such clear categories as those found by Rothenbuhler.

8.  A big, thick-linked steel chain was wrapped tightly about the lock, secured by a fist-sized padlock.

9.  A bipartisan reauthorization bill to overhaul the act, authored by Sen.

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