51.  A choir of families, wrapped in woolly hats, overcoats and scarves, were singing carols by a crib.

52.  A church that stood upon a grassy hill and to which you mounted by a flight of steep stone stairs.

53.  A cinema screen fills the small stage of the Cottesloe, framed by steel scaffolding and lit with red beacons.

54.  A cloistered walkway bordered the courtyard on three sides, arches supported by white pillars, on each pillar a lamp.

55.  A cloud rested on my mind, which was occasioned by talking and jesting.

56.  A coda to a Wagner song finds Cynthia Loemij winding down as the set is dismantled by stagehands.

57.  A collection of paintings by David Hockney is on exhibition at the Museum of Art.

58.  A colour supplement had published one of her stories in a series by new authors.

59.  A column inch is one column wide by one inch deep.

60.  A commission appointed by the governor concluded that even a regiment could not have controlled the mob.

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