61.  A rapid increase in population would be a natural corollary of any such changes in the birth control program.

62.  A really fine debut album by a local jazz player who seldom gets any ink.

63.  A recent review of that book suggested that any connection is superficial rather than essential.

64.  A record of changes to items such as salary, job and grades is an important part of any record administration system.

65.  A relator owes no duty to the public to initiate any law enforcement action.

66.  A requirement imposed by regulations shall not apply to any follower of the Sikh religion while he is wearing a turban.

67.  A safety valve releases any excess pressure once the air chamber has been filled to capacity.

68.  A sense of humour is an important asset for any teacher.

69.  A serious photographer can not afford to work in any tropical paradise without shooting from the air.

70.  A set of binary codes is constructed which in itself, without any translation program, is quite meaningless.

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