11.  A court notice reported the economic loss of the two vehicles, but did not mention any military casualties.

12.  A deep cut, but wider than any knife.

13.  A definite buy for any budding simulation buff.

14.  A degree of statutory definition has been enacted in the past, without any noticeable subsequent insuperable or oppressive difficulties.

15.  A detailed description of that period would be impossible, as nothing of any substance happened.

16.  A detailed Summary of Cover can be obtained from any Midland branch.

17.  A dime taken from any other kid was a good deal.

18.  A dry white wine is perfect with any fish dish.

19.  A duty to provide accommodation at the inn without prior contract to any traveller seeking accommodation.

20.  A fairly neutral background will make any small splash of colour sing out with particular vibrancy and significance.

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