91.  A user interface reportedly allows a developer to intervene at any stage in the translation.

92.  A video program, once digitized, looks like any other digital data.

93.  A well defined form According to my dictionary, a tree can be any perennial plant having a self-supporting woody main stem.

94.  A wild Squig is far too angry to take any psychology or other leadership tests.

95.  A wise suspicion is that such a fate awaits any treaty containing grandiose reductions or harsh enforcement penalties.

96.  A woman who reads her Bible, can quote chapter and Verse in any given situation.

97.  A working day is any day except Sunday or a public holiday.

98.  A., not just any burg.

99.  Abandoning any pretense at politeness, they ran for the door.

100.  About a third to a half the usable space in any private house is taken up by special rooms devoted to sleeping.

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