81.  A black flotilla of clouds rose towering over the mountains and advanced on the house.

82.  A black leather suite was arranged around a white Marble fireplace standing starkly against slate-grey walls and carpet.

83.  A black serviceman boarded a city bus and sat in front, remembers Chauvin, who lives in Hayward.

84.  A black van reversed through the shattered remains of the main gate and the back doors were thrown open.

85.  A blackbird was singing and it was very quiet and peaceful in the Park.

86.  A bladder which is frequently emptied does not expand to its full capacity and needs gentle stretching to bring this about.

87.  A blank and empty future lay before me.

88.  A blanket lien is the least complex arrangement and is comparable to pledging accounts receivable.

89.  A blast of heated air rushed past, and poisonous smoke belched towards him.

90.  A bleak scene outside where it was raining hard, and he felt bleak inside.

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