11.  A bad burn could mean no usable clinker and hence no pay.

12.  A bad morning, a good afternoon and - perhaps - an even better evening.

13.  A badly-balanced packet of tapioca crashed from shelf to floor and burst open like a ripe seed-pod.

14.  A balance is possible for both music and speech and the right adjustment will make a noticeable difference.

15.  A balanced budget meant increasing tax rates and reducing public expenditure.

16.  A balanced diet and daily physical exercise are the keys to a healthy lifestyle.

17.  A balanced diet promotes good health and normal development.

18.  A balanced read-aloud diet gives our children an appreciation for the sounds and shapes and purposes of many different kinds of texts.

19.  A bald-headed goon in a red blazer shot out of his seat and whacked me on the heel of my left foot.

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