61.  A big jar of purple wild flowers and eucalyptus stood on the top of a pile of library books.

62.  A big rainbow-colored sign lists several prescription appetite suppressants, vitamins, and minerals.

63.  A big reason is that many sportscasters are ex-athletes and few of the rest follow racing.

64.  A big shiny pickup truck crammed with men in base-ball caps slowed down and took a look at me.

65.  A big truck had turned over on its side, and it was blocking the road.

66.  A big white heron gallops out of the creek on his gawky orange legs and gobbles it up.

67.  A big young man came out of the plane with a short, thin, grey-haired one - Harald and Carl.

68.  A big, flat coal barge was passing under the bridge and I averted my eyes from the sight of it.

69.  A bill awaiting action would end benefits for addicts and alcoholics.

70.  A bill comes in and along comes sugar daddy with a loan, you can t resist it.

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