41.  The second is the words" further " and " farther " .

42.  Are they the same meaning and the same use ?

43.  I like play table Tennis.Because my eyes are near-sighted, play table tennis can make me judge the ball's speed and adirection, the Decid me what to do.

44.  Then my eyes would concentrate, and it an be better, and play table tennis can make me clever ..

45.  When half past ten , there were two men came, they showed Miss Green their cards, and them Professor gave them some papers.

46.  But in surprise ,professor didn't nervous, because he knew the two man were impostor and had gave them the other papers.

47.  The man was a agent five years ago, he give the news to the police, and then the police had save many people , but at last the army knew his status , and they wanted to kill him.

48.  He had run away, but he had to move house, and now he have move house three times.

49.  When the Chrismas comes, we must send many cards and have received many cards, and the post office is very busy.

50.  In the morning, I have read some books, have gone over my lessons, and also have read some magazine, such as the Shao Lan Shao lu .

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