91.  I want to know which is right and why.

92.  By the way, I want to know means useful about " further" and " farther " .

93.  All the teachers and students are standing before the teaching building.

94.  The five-starred Red Flag is going up slowly and fluttering in the breeze.

95.  And now, as my expected, my idea has realized ".

96.  When I had learnt the Lesson One and Lesson Two, I had a text for it this week.

97.  My results not high and not low.

98.  After a while, I and many classmates played the chess.

99.  He went ahead and looked at the road, he thought the road hasn't difference .

100.  At the age of twenty-one, he joined the army and then d5,1-0] became a Party member .

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