1.  I must pull my forces together and tart afresh.

2.  In the morning, I have read some books, have gone over my lessons, and also have read some magazine, such as the Shao Lan Shao lu .

3.  When in these days we often talk about this question, some people have bought he "Lei Yu" book, and read it.

4.  Plant flowers is a knowledge, we must water them every day and apply fertilizer properly .

5.  Though they are incompleted of their body , they still work hard and study hard.

6.  Student often play on it and have exercises on it .

7.  He run to there and saw a girl struggling in the river.

8.  The five-starred Red Flag is going up slowly and fluttering in the breeze.

9.  In order to make find new clothes, he an order to impose exorbitant taxes and levies,.

10.  'm very happy and say "Thank you.

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