71.   She was treated at Shotley Bridge hospital after the incident.

72.   The faculty denied having discriminated against her and said she had been treated in the same way as all others seeking membership of the bar.

73.   He treated her like an incompetent subaltern.

74.   The fact that the way you looked told you where to sit annoyed her as well as the way she was treated by thinner people.

75.   She was treated like a slave by her husband who she was forced to marry.

76.   She too feared Albert, she called him Mr. --, she treated her brutally, often beating her.

77.   At the beginning of the book Celie despises her husband, Albert, because of the way he treats her as an object.

78.   And so Ruth, the one who has gone out as a poor glean and walking behind the reapers, hoping they would treat her kindly.

79.   Would she be treated as an outcast.

80.   So, do you treat her differently?

v. + she >>共 1087
take 2.77%
see 1.94%
kill 1.69%
tell 1.46%
rape 1.23%
find 1.22%
help 0.98%
know 0.98%
treat 0.96%
call 0.96%
treat + r. >>共 54
he 26.07%
they 23.34%
it 10.76%
she 10.71%
who 3.74%
i 3.70%
other 3.59%
you 2.74%
that 2.73%
we 2.69%
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