61.   It was his attitude towards Dawn, treating her with such compassion and even apologising for her.

62.   It followed radiotherapy to treat her for cancer.

63.   He and his wife have been looking after Mother and daughter while she was treated at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford.

64.   He says they have an othapedic surgeon who comes to the practice once a months, so she could be treated within eight weeks.

65.   She was treated for a cut on her head but the injury was not serious and she is continuing her holiday in Cyprus.

66.   The next day she was rushed to Nottingham City Hospital where tests revealed TSS, and she was treated immediately with antibiotics.

67.   To mark the occasion the club presented her with a tracksuit and treated her to a slap-up lunch at a Middlesbrough restaurant.

68.   Firearms experts then entered the house to bring out Leanne Rees, who was taken by ambulance to Darlington Memorial Hospital, where she was treated for shock.

69.   She has been treated in the Royal Alexandra Hospital, Brighton.

v. + she >>共 1087
take 2.77%
see 1.94%
kill 1.69%
tell 1.46%
rape 1.23%
find 1.22%
help 0.98%
know 0.98%
treat 0.96%
call 0.96%
treat + r. >>共 54
he 26.07%
they 23.34%
it 10.76%
she 10.71%
who 3.74%
i 3.70%
other 3.59%
you 2.74%
that 2.73%
we 2.69%
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