1.   In turn, this presupposes treating the other as a person, as, at least partly, a rational being.

2.   The idea that you should treat others as you would like them to treat you is a fine philosophy of life.

3.   Being together in this way did not mean that either party treated the other with excessive informality but it did mean that teachers knew pupils well.

4.   If you attend that meeting I shall be forced to treat you as I shall treat the others.

5.   This ability is an important part of our more general ability to treat others with respect, and it is therefore a prerequisite of civilization.

6.   Sixteen of them were taken to hospital with whiplash neck injuries -- others were treated at the scene of the accident for cuts and bruises.

7.   An encounter with someone cruel reminds us to treat others with kindness.

8.   As an African-American in the business world, I think the way I treated others affected how people treated me.

9.   At least seven others were treated for emotional trauma.

10.   Baan shifted some costs to the private company and decided others should be treated as the purchase of assets, not as expenses.

v. + other >>共 1002
wound 8.64%
injure 8.43%
accuse 4.37%
help 2.54%
kill 2.36%
blame 2.33%
treat 1.49%
arrest 1.38%
take 1.25%
release 1.08%
treat + r. >>共 54
he 26.07%
they 23.34%
it 10.76%
she 10.71%
who 3.74%
i 3.70%
other 3.59%
you 2.74%
that 2.73%
we 2.69%
每页显示:    共 216