1.   You know it just tastes the same.

2.   Yeah well, them salads just taste the same.

3.   And broccoli tastes the same from bite to bite.

4.   And it tastes the same and takes much less time, Cornelson said.

5.   Animal crackers will never taste the same.

6.   Because the transgenic plants move excess salt to the leaves, the tomatoes taste the same as ordinary ones, he said.

7.   After all the ingredients were added, the rum balls tasted the same.

8.   Bursting between the tongue and the roof of the mouth, caviar never tastes the same.

9.   But after this year, eels will never taste the same again.

10.   Contrary to popular belief, for instance, White said that male and female lobsters taste the same.

v. + same >>共 249
do 62.95%
say 16.56%
feel 3.22%
expect 0.89%
cost 0.70%
think 0.66%
treat 0.62%
taste 0.62%
stay 0.51%
have 0.40%
taste + r. >>共 28
it 40.57%
they 12.89%
more 10.69%
same 9.12%
something 4.72%
one 3.14%
that 3.14%
anything 2.83%
what 2.20%
everything 1.89%
每页显示:    共 29