1.   But assuming your resistance stays the same, your resistance is about one mega million ohms.

2.   You will learn how people lived and died, what has changed and what has stayed the same... the whole heritage of our human race if there!

3.   Although the puzzles are challenging, they do stay the same each time, so once kids master them they may not be as eager to play.

4.   Brabeck believes it is, and to that end, he makes the focus of his work identifying and strengthening those aspects of Nestle that should stay the same.

5.   Her salary, set by the city government, has stayed the same, despite the fact that the number of visitors have nearly tripled under her guidance.

6.   How about the more things change, the more they stay the same.

7.   More than half said it was staying the same.

8.   Now, a few weeks later, there are no guarantees of any of that staying the same.

9.   Some taxes could be increased with only simple majorities as long as others were cut and, on balance, taxes would drop or stay the same.

10.   The Fresh Samantha juice factory will remain in Saco, where the juices are made, and the label will stay the same.

v. + same >>共 249
do 62.95%
say 16.56%
feel 3.22%
expect 0.89%
cost 0.70%
think 0.66%
treat 0.62%
taste 0.62%
stay 0.51%
have 0.40%
stay + r. >>共 20
that 47.83%
same 20.87%
which 6.09%
several 4.35%
who 3.48%
all 1.74%
it 1.74%
more 1.74%
what 1.74%
you 1.74%
每页显示:    共 24