61.   But there is something that I must say to my people who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice.

62.   Not many people can say that tonight.

63.   Quiet.

64.   If you say that, somebody will think you are an eccentric.

65.   He said that while the security situation in Europe has drastically improved, outside Europe the risk of crises and armed conflicts has grown.

66.   Abdul Taher Zawi, councillor to the Supreme Court, said that under Libyan and international law there was no basis for their extradition.

67.   He said that in the absence of such evidence such allegations were unwise, unfair and dangerous.

68.   I think you said that.

69.   The Home Office Minister David Maclean said that despite some encouraging signs the Government would not become complacent on crime.

70.   Well you say that but I mean there are plenty of other coal disposal facilities in the country.

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