21.   If they had the courage to say that, they would have saved everyone a lot of trouble.

22.   It must have taken a lot of guts for him to say that.

23.   It was a spur-of-the- moment ceremony that Smith said was a way to show his commitment to his lover.

24.   It was perhaps the small electric heater in my bedroom which made him say that.

25.   Just imagine him saying that to a reporter trying to dig up more dirt ... trying to stir it up a bit.

26.   Me and my big mouth.

27.   Other projects that she said could be put to a vote included plans to build a new central library and City Hall.

28.   Others chimed in, saying those who have it made are pulling up the ladder on those less fortunate.

29.   Saying that to a feminist is just asking for trouble.

v. + that >>共 1126
do 8.79%
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include 1.54%
change 1.28%
see 1.26%
take 1.17%
make 1.03%
say + r. >>共 51
that 18.44%
it 15.58%
what 15.00%
he 10.81%
nothing 6.64%
something 4.76%
anything 4.56%
same 2.98%
this 2.90%
which 2.53%
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