61.   I killed her for absolutely nothing.

62.   Detectives say it was probably the shock that killed her.

63.   It left her vulnerable to a number of infections which eventually killed her.

64.   She was killed last Wednesday south of Cairo when the tour bus she was travelling on was stopped and gunmen opened fire.

65.   The momentum of the collision forced the cars apart, one of them knocking Mrs Thornton down, killing her.

66.   Julie Godwin, who was thirty, was sunbathing at a nature reserve when she was killed.

67.   Jimmy had been staying with Suzannah days before she was killed.

68.   A BELFAST mother begged UFF gunmen to kill her instead of her schoolboy son, an inquest heard yesterday.

69.   Whoever killed her will be sent to prison.

70.   As the wounded grandfather pleaded with him to leave Miss Gibson alone, Graham shot her in the chest at point blank range, killing her instantly.

v. + she >>共 1087
take 2.77%
see 1.94%
kill 1.69%
tell 1.46%
rape 1.23%
find 1.22%
help 0.98%
know 0.98%
treat 0.96%
call 0.96%
kill + r. >>共 58
he 29.61%
they 15.89%
she 9.74%
who 8.52%
it 3.58%
one 3.41%
other 2.96%
i 2.32%
no_one 2.29%
you 1.98%
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